Wohn-und/GeschäftshausThe painting of Alessandro Ciambrone, architect and artist, turns on spotlights to enhance the beauty of monuments, architecture and landscapes.
His artistic, cultural and scientific path has been intertwined over the years, through numerous experiences abroad. The only winner in Italy of the Fulbright Thomas Foglietta fellowship 2003-04, he develops his research funded by the US government at University California Los Angeles.
In 2007 he wins one of the five UNESCO Vocation Patrimoine scholarships in the world and elaborated a project for the enhancement of the World Heritage in Campania at the University College Dublin and at the World Heritage Center in Paris.
He obtained a PhD in international co-tutorship (University of Campania and Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense University). In 2014 he was appointed director of the Civic Museum of Contemporary Art of Capua and in 2017 he founded the International Civic Museum of Euro-Mediterranean Contemporary Art of Castel Volturno.
His works have been donated to the Pascale Foundation, the AIRC Foundation, the Santobono Pausilipon Foundation, the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association, the La Tenda Center in Naples.