Wohn-und/GeschäftshausCOELMO is specialized in the production of Cogeneration and Trigeneration plants for various application sectors.
COELMO is synonymous with experience, expertise and integrated services. A combination matured in over 70 years of activity by its main partners.
COELMO equips BUHKE Cogenerators.
The CHP-Combined Heat Power (CHP) is the system that allows the simultaneous production of two forms of energy, electrical and thermal, through the same conversion process using a single primary energy source.
The use of Cogeneration allows to increase the energy efficiency of the conversion systems, realizing a primary energy saving compared to what would be necessary in case of traditional generation.
Among the Cogeneration technologies there is that based on the use of a Generator Set, mainly powered by gas, of which the thermal waste is recovered by making them available to users.
The CHP-Combined Heat Power (CHP) is the system that allows the simultaneous production of two forms of energy, electrical and thermal, through the same conversion process using a single primary energy source.
The use of Cogeneration allows to increase the energy efficiency of the conversion systems, realizing a primary energy saving compared to what would be necessary in case of traditional generation.
Among the Cogeneration technologies there is that based on the use of a Generator Set, mainly powered by gas, of which the thermal waste is recovered by making them available to users.
Cogeneration Systems are used both in the industrial and civil sectors.
Thermal energy can be used in industrial processes or for urban heating in the civil sector, through district heating networks. Electricity can be consumed internally or exported to the distribution network.
Cogeneration is the ideal choice for users who need constant consumption of thermal and electrical energy over time:
- Hospitals and clinics
- Swimming pools and sports centers
- Shopping centers
- Food industries
- Oil refining industries
- Chemical and pharmaceutical industries
- Ceramic industries
- Textile industries
- Industries for the production of plastic materials
Lower overall cost of energy supply obtained through primary energy savings compared to traditional systems | |
Lower cost of gas thanks to the tax exemption of methane used in High Yield Cogenerators. | |
Economic advantages with Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE, also known as white certificates), recognized by the GSE (Energy Services Manager) | |
Tax breaks and incentives such as the tax credit on capital goods | |
Dispatching priority which ensures the possibility of selling excess electricity | |
Lower emissions of pollutants (CO, NOx, HC) and climate-change (CO2) into the atmosphere | |
Network loss reduction possible with distributed generation | |
Improvement of the continuity of energy supply |
Design, Produktion, Installation, Inbetriebnahme und Inbetriebnahme eines 1.011 kWel Blockheizkraftwerks mit Methangas zur gleichzeitigen Versorgung eines italienischen Krankenhauses mit Strom und Wärme.
Der BHKW ist mit einer 70 dB (A) @ 7 Meter schalldichten Überdachung, einem Wärmerückgewinnungssystem, einem Oxidationskatalysator zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen und einem Fernüberwachungssystem ausgestattet. Die Lieferung umfasst Installation, technische Überwachung der Montage, Inbetriebnahme und Probelauf der KWK-Anlage.